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Apr 24 2014 | FYI


If you have a problem with your water/sewer service after business hours, on a holiday, or over the weekend, please call the Giles County Sheriff's Office at 540-921-3842, and they will contact an employee of the Town of Rich Creek's Public Works Department promptly to address the problem and/or concern.

During business hours, contact the Town Office at 540-726-3260.

Thank you!

Posted by Pam
Dec 14 2010 | 2010 Personal Property & Real Estate Taxes

During a regular meeting of the Rich Creek Town Council on February 8, 2010, Council unanimously voted and agreed to change the December 5 due date for real estate and personal property taxes to March 15.  The current year tax tickets will continue to be mailed out in November, allowing those who wish to continue paying  the taxes in the current tax year that choice.  Otherwise, a 10% penalty will not be added to delinquent taxes until after March 15, with 10% interest added July 1. 

This decision was made after careful consideration by the Town Manager and Town Council to eliminate some of the financial burden on the tax payers of the Town of Rich Creek in the month of December.

If you should have any questions, please feel free to contact the Town Administration Office at 540-726-3260.   

Posted by Pam
Aug 30 2010 | Department of Transportation NEWS

The Virginia Department of Transportation has established a 24-hour per day, seven-day per week, Customer Service Center for citizens to report any transportation-related questions or work requests that they may have.  The number is 1-800-367-7623 (1-800-367-ROAD).

Posted by Pam
Jan 20 2010 | Rich Creek Volunteer Fire Department

fire dept photo

The Rich Creek Volunteer Fire Department will be sending out letters requesting donations the end of January.  Please support your fire department!  They are hardworking and dedicated to protect the Rich Creek and surrounding areas.

You may mail your donation to RCVFD, P.O. Box 311, Rich Creek, VA 24147 or drop donation off at the Town Office.


Posted by Pam

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